Friday, March 4, 2011

Always True: God's 5 Promises When Life is Hard

In his latest book, “Always True,” James MacDonald presents God’s five promises that Christians can hold on to during life’s most trying times. These are five basic biblical truths that helped MacDonald through his own personal battle. As MacDonald puts it, “…when life was hardest, I needed more than just lessons – I needed life support. I needed God’s promises.”

This book is divided into five chapters discussing the five promises. Before each chapter is a section called “Theology of a Promise” which explains more about the biblical perspective of a promise, particularly God’s promise, in this case. At the end of each chapter is a prayer; “Take to Heart” section which can be used as a personal devotional material or a group study guide; and a memory scripture verse.

What I really like about this book is that it is easy to read, practical and down to earth. It is written in simple layman’s term and does not contain heavy doctrinal jargon that is hard to understand, except maybe for the word “theology.” This word as used in this book, according to Merriam Webster simply means “the study of religious faith, practice, and experience; especially: the study of God and of God's relation to the world.”1

The five promises as presented here are based on sound biblical doctrine pointing the reader towards faith in Jesus Christ. It also talks about assurance of God’s love and His offer of solution to problems common to man such as fear, hopelessness, despair, etc.

Always True is highly recommended to all whose hope is faltering, who like most of us needs a solid ground where he can stand. This book will lead us to trust in God – the ultimate Promiser and keeper of His promise.

     1Theology - -
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